is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • "That's the way it is"

    In life,many things will happen,

    Lucky enough to have a smooth one,

    But what if, it happens in vice versa?

    We never know,what life will lead us,

    It will cause so much pain and burden,

    ​​​​​​Sometimes,we want to to surrender,

    Because it is very suffocating,

    But, after a long dark night,we still try 

    harder to conquer what we afraid of,

    It give us memories that can't forgotten,

    A scars that always remind us of what we been through,

    But that kind of scars is the reason why we learn so much and be a better  person of our future self. It  may cause  a lot of regrets that haunt us everyday,but that painful past is always be a great teacher to us....

